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Marine Species
in Florida


From the lionfish to the iguana, the Key West Aquarium has been home to many invasive species in Southern Florida. As part of our commitment to educating our guests about the Florida Keys’ marine life, it is equally important to include a discussion on the impact invasive species have on our delicate Florida ecosystem.

One of our new guests could be the lionfish, an invasive species from the East Coast and the Caribbean. The red lionfish was likely first introduced to Caribbean and U.S. coastal waters in the early 1990s from its native region in the Indo-Pacific. Unfortunately, it behaves aggressively toward smaller fish and invertebrates and even sports long, beautiful, yet venomous fin rays.

lionfish underwater

Studies have found that the venom excreted by the lionfish’s fins damages clam and frog hearts and even decreases blood pressure in rabbits! The potency of their venom has even become a danger to divers, especially since they are known to exhibit aggressive behavior toward humans, uncommon in smaller fish. Nevertheless, our invasive species tank will be an excellent opportunity for guests to observe and learn about animals not originally supposed to be here.



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